小胖之家 | 陶喆歌迷会(Davidtao.CN)'s Archiver

wayne 发表于 2008-6-19 17:28

2005.03.07 香港的飯店1901號房

3/7/05 12:20am Hotel in HK, room1901<br/><br/>I'd like to briefly share my trip to Hua Lien with all of you. Yeah, it was a few weeks ago but I didn't have much time to write about it till now. <br/><br/>For those of you who don't know where Hua Lien is it's located in the eastern part of Taiwan. It is home to probably some of the most beautiful sights on the island and has many natural wonders and landscapes to offer. I don't recall if I've ever been to Hua Lien but if I have it would have been when I was very young. The unfortunate thing is that during this trip I didn't have much time to venture out and actual visit the wonderful sights of the region. Maybe next time?<br/><br/>This trip to Hua Lien was something World Vision had set up a while ago and we were to travel together to visit some children and schools. It was a part of their ongoing campaign to raise awareness and funds for many under privileged children and their education. Many of these children are from low income, broken or single parent families and in need of financial and moral support. Many of these children and families from this region are native aborigines who originally inhabited the island of Taiwan and have a rich cultural heritage similar to Native American Indians and African aborigine tribes.<br/><br/>The key to this World Vision program was education and it's goal was to raise money in support of continuing the education and advancement of children in this region who would otherwise not have the financial means to seek higher education or any schooling at all. Unlike us, who often take a public education for granted these children often do not have the funds to purchase books, stationary, transportation to and from school or even lunch at school. Their needs are very basic but often cannot be met due to the lack of an income. <br/><br/>These children range from elementary school to some that were about to graduate from college. There was one young girl who was only about 12 years old but had to take care of her father, younger sister and brother while at the same time attend school and maintain her grades. The mother had left them at a young age so she had to learn how to cook and clean for the entire family. I visited the kitchen where she cooked every night's dinner and was surprised to see that her height was barely above the wok and stove. It's difficult to imagine a girl of only 12 years old having to hold something as dangerous and heavy as a wok. However, when we visited her she greeted us with a beautiful smile that simply lit up the room and all of our hearts as well. She was shy when I asked her to sit next to me so we could talk but when she opened up she was so sweet and adorable. When I asked her if she felt it was hard work to take care of everybody and be like a "mother" she immediately smiled sweetly and said, "No!" That really touched all of us and made us realized how lucky we all were when we were that age. <br/><br/>The problem, however, is these children often don't have the "luxury" of going to school and spending a lot of time on their studies. They are either taking care of their families, searching for employment or simply do not have the funds to facilitate attending school. Henceforth, there emerges a vicious cycle because when they do not have the means of an education or advancement in school their chances of finding a decent job or employment in the future becomes slimmer. Even if they do find a job it is perhaps low paying or not stable enough to sustain their families. And this is not considering the psychological factors such as self-confidence and social awareness that school can sometimes provide a child during his or her developmental stage. <br/><br/>This visit has really showed me that what we often take for granted are things these under privileged children and families desperate need and should have. Something as basic as health care is just one of the things these families don't have. Or perhaps they may have basic health care but since many of them live in remote areas they may not have the transportation budget to actually travel to the hospital and doctor. When was the last time you had to worry about not having enough money to take a taxi or bus to see the doctor? <br/><br/>One thing that saddens me is when I ask a child what his or her dream is and they have nothing to say. Perhaps they do have dreams but they are afraid of sharing them because they may feel they have no "right" to dream. Everybody has the right and need to dream because that is what makes us different than other living creatures on this planet. Dreams are what often make us soar higher liberating us from our chains. However, many of these lovely children when asked aren't exactly sure what their dreams are. One young man who was about to graduate from high school and had good grades told me that he wanted to apply to a university in Taipei city to study electrical engineering. I was elated to hear him say that because when he told me what his goal was his eyes immediately lit up and I saw his future and success within his own grasp. Dreams are not about money nor do you need money to dream. Dreams are free but they require hard work, passion and love. An education may be a dream to many of these children or perhaps a good education may serve as a means through which to achieve a dream. Or perhaps, an education may open up a world in which one can find one's dream. <br/><br/>Though these children and families were poor monetarily they were, however, very wealthy in their spirits. Every one of them showed us their most brilliant and innocent smiles which were not tainted or faded by their predicament and lot in life. The children of the 阿美族 and 布農族 entertained us with their songs and dance which made all of us smile and laugh in our hearts. I even sang and danced with them which was truly delightful as I felt like I was their big brother. These are the children we love. These are the important times of our lives. These little hearts are the hearts and minds of the future. Forget the entertainment, the gossip, the politics and the international headlines just for one moment and look into the eyes of these children. They need us and we need them too. They show us what life is really about. It's about courage, sacrifice and, above all, unselfish love. <br/><br/>DT<br/><br/>2005年3月7日,早上12:20,香港的飯店1901號房<br/><br/>我想跟大家簡要分享一下我的花蓮行。好啦,那是幾個禮拜前發生的事情,但是這段期間,我實在沒有時間把它寫下來嘛。<br/><br/>有些人可能不知道花蓮在哪裡,它是位於台灣的東部。那裡孕育了這座島嶼最美麗的景致,擁有許多自然奇觀與壯麗風貌。我不太記得以前是否去過花蓮,如果有的話,應該也是很小的時候。很可惜的,這次我沒有空檔可以出去看看,實地走訪這個地區的好山好水。也許下次有機會吧?<br/><br/>這次的花蓮行是由世界展望會籌劃多時而成,我們一起走訪了當地的一些兒童與學校。這其實是一項持續在進行的專案活動,藉此呼籲社會大眾重視許多弱勢族群的兒童教育問題,並為其籌募基金。其中的許多小朋友都是來自低收入戶、破碎或單身家庭,因此他們特別需要經濟上的支援與心靈上的支柱。這個地區的許多兒童與家庭,都是台灣的原住民,就像美國的印第安民族與非洲原始部落一樣,他們擁有豐厚的文化資產。<br/><br/>這個世界展望會計畫的主旨是關於「教育」,在這個地區,有些人因為缺乏經濟收入而無法升學,甚至失學;它的目的便是為了這些小朋友募款,讓他們可以繼續受教育、繼續升學。不像我們,受教育是理所當然的,這些小朋友經常繳不出註冊費、交通費、甚至學校的營養午餐費。他們的生活需求都是最基本的,但是卻因為收入短絀而無法被滿足。<br/><br/>這些小朋友從小學生到準大學畢業生都有。其中一個小女孩大概只有12歲,但是她在上學之餘,還必須照顧爸爸、妹妹與弟弟。母親在她很小的時候就離家出走了,因此她必須學會做菜、打掃、照料整個家庭的生活起居。我去看了她每天煮晚餐的廚房,令人驚訝的,放炒菜鍋的爐灶大概跟她整個人一樣高。實在很難想像一個只有12歲的小女孩竟得拿起像炒菜鍋這種有點危險的重物。可是,當我們看到她的時候,迎面而來的卻是一抹美麗的微笑,她照亮了整個屋子,也照亮了我們所有人的心。當我請她在我身旁坐下聊天時,她非常地害羞;然而當她開口說話時,卻又是如此地甜美可愛。當我問她,當個「小媽媽」照顧每一個人會不會很辛苦的時候,她馬上甜甜地笑著說:「不會!」這真的感動了我們所有人,也讓我們了解到,小時候的我們是何等幸福啊!<br/><br/>然而,問題是這些小朋友通常都無法「享受」上學的樂趣,也不可能花太多時間在學業上。他們有人要照顧家人的生活,要找機會打工,有人則是根本沒有錢可以上學。於是,這就變成了一個惡性循環,因為當他們無法接受教育或繼續升學時,未來要找到一份像樣工作的機會就更渺茫了。即使找到了,也可能只有微薄的收入,或者不是一份足以維繫整個家庭生計的穩定工作。這還不包括心理層面的影響,例如一些成長階段的學齡兒童在學校應該獲得的自信心與社會認知。<br/><br/>這次的參訪讓我見到許多我們視為理所當然的事物,卻是一些弱勢兒童與家庭亟需擁有的。例如像醫療保健之類的基本生活需求便是他們缺乏的。或者他們可能擁有一些基本的醫療保健,卻因為住在偏遠的地區,欠缺足夠的交通費用,而無法到大醫院求診。你曾經因為沒錢搭計程車或公車去看病而傷腦筋嗎?<br/><br/>有件事讓我感到難過的,當我問小朋友「他/她的夢想是什麼」的時候,他們並沒有回答。也許他們是有夢想的,卻不敢跟我分享,因為他們覺得自己並沒有夢想的「權利」。每個人都有夢想的權利與需要,因為這是我們和地球上其他生物的最大不同。夢想讓我們擺脫枷鎖的羈絆,讓我們可以飛得更高、更遠。然而,很多可愛的小朋友被問及這個問題時,卻不是很清楚知道他們的夢想是什麼。有一個即將從高中畢業的男生,在學成績優異,因此想在台北的大學,申請就讀電子工程相關科系。我很開心聽到他這樣說,因為當他跟我提到這個目標時,他的眼光立刻變得炯炯有神,我看到未來與與成就已經掌握在他自己的手中。夢想並不一定要跟金錢有關,你也不是要有錢才能有夢想。夢想是免費的,但是需要付出你的努力、熱情與愛心。教育對這些小朋友來說也許是個夢想,能夠接受好的教育也許可以幫助他們達成夢想。抑或,夢想可以開啟一個世界,讓人們在裡面找到自己的夢想。<br/><br/>這些小朋友與家庭在經濟方面雖然是貧困的,然而,他們的心靈卻是富裕的。每一個人都用最燦爛、無邪的笑容來迎接我們,絲毫不因生活的困窘與境況而有所變質、凋謝。阿美族與布農族的小朋友所表演的傳統歌舞,更是讓所有人的心裡洋溢著歡笑與快樂。我還跟他們一起唱歌跳舞,這真的讓我很開心,因為我就像是他們的大哥哥一樣。這些是我們愛的小孩。這些是我們生命裡的重要時刻。這些幼小的心靈是未來的心靈與心智。暫時忘掉娛樂、八卦、政治與國際頭條,看看這些小孩子的眼睛。他們需要我們,我們也需要他們。他們讓我們見到生命的真諦。那是關於勇氣、奉獻與,最重要的,無私的愛。<br/><br/>陶喆

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