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标题: 2005.01.05 飛往香港的飛機上 [打印本页]

作者: wayne    时间: 2008-6-19 17:22     标题: 2005.01.05 飛往香港的飛機上

1/5/05 somewhere in the air aboard a flight to HK

This past week has been spent in subzero temperatures in two wonderful cities: Beijing and Shanghai. These two cities hold significant importance to Chinese people but also to me as some of my family members were born there.

The cold harsh winter was beautiful but left marks on all of us who visited it. My hands are extremely dry and I developed some rashes on the back of my hands from exposure to the cold air in spite of wearing thick gloves. I spent about a week combined in Shanghai and Beijing and it was a very productive, exhausting yet rewarding trip as always. We caught the first day of snow in over ten years in Shanghai and that was quite a sight to see. Shanghai is already very picturesque and a beautiful city but seeing it covered in white snow stirred a lot of emotions within me.

We shot four music videos during this trip, which was extremely demanding on the directors, their film crews as well as on all of us. Shooting in subzero temperatures can pose difficulties on your body as well as your emotional state. Having done Lasik eye surgery not too long ago, my eyes were quite prone to dryness and irritation caused by the freezing air outside, the heaters inside and the sun. Everybody was dressed in their warmest and most protective clothing wearing gloves, scarves and earmuffs. Of course, I had warm clothing on as well but once the director called out, “Roll…Go!” I had to take off my thick jacket to reveal whatever clothing and wardrobe I was wearing underneath. Thankfully, my wardrobe wasn't yet from the spring collection but some of it was thin considering how cold it was. It may be winter but nobody wants to look like a big bloated bear running around on camera!

I shouldn't complain because the female models, musicians and actresses who I had the pleasure of working with often wore much less than me and I'm sure they were freezing just as well. Again, once the director rolled camera everybody gave their warmest smile and best performance as if it wasn't minus 10 degrees.

Taipei, this week, has become quite cold as well and I hope all of you are keeping warm and staying dry from the occasional drizzle. My friends, whatever city you're in now please take care and don't forget to keep the families and victims of the tsunami disaster in your prayers.


2005年1月5日 飛往香港的飛機上

過去的這個禮拜,我待在兩個零下而美好城市裡 - 北京與上海。這兩座城市對中國人具有重要的象徵意義,對我來說也是如此,因為我有些親戚就是在這裡出生的。 嚴冬雖美,卻也在我們這群訪客身上留下記痕。我的手超乾的,儘管有戴手套,我的手背依然因為寒冷的氣候而出現了紅疹。我在北京跟上海大約停留了一個禮拜的時間;一如往昔的,這是一趟有效率、耗體力卻也價值非凡的行程。我們趕上了上海十年來的第一場雪,那是個十分迷人的景致。上海原本就是一個別具一格、美侖美奐的城市,當我看到它覆蓋在皚皚白雪中,諸多遐思湧上心頭。 這趟上海北京行我們總共拍了四支音樂錄影帶,對導演、拍攝小組與我們所有人來說,這都是非常吃力的工作量。在零下的氣溫中拍攝,不管對於肢體或者情緒狀態都有相當的難度。不久之前,我的眼睛才動了雷射手術,室外的低溫、室內的暖氣與陽光都會讓我的眼睛變得容易乾澀而不舒服。每個人穿上了最保暖的禦寒衣物,戴上了手套、圍巾跟耳罩。當然囉,我也有保暖的衣服,可是只要導演喊一聲:「預備...走!」我就得脫掉我的薄外套,全身只穿著造型戲服。幸好我的戲服並不是春裝,但是在那麼冷的氣候裡,它還是顯得很單薄。雖然正值寒冬,我想沒有人會讓自己腫得像隻大狗熊在攝影機前跑來跑去哩。 我其實不應該抱怨的,因為這次與我合作甚歡的女模特兒、樂手與女演員們通常都比我穿得更少,我想他們一定也都凍僵了。不過沒有例外的,只要導演打開攝影機,所有人就得展現最溫暖的微笑與最完美的表演就像不是身處零下10度一般。 台北這個禮拜也變得很冷,我希望每個人都要注意保暖自己的身子,不要被時有時無的細雨淋溼了。我的朋友們,不論你現在身處何處,請務必保重同時記得為南亞海嘯的罹難者與他們的家人禱告。


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