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1 F  发表于 2004-1-25 19:32 | 显示全部帖子 | 倒序看帖 | 跳转到 »

2.在跟帖的时候,不要仅仅写“路过...”“呵呵...”“好” 无实际内容的文字等等,或者仅仅贴了几个表情,这些都是典型的无聊帖子。  请多多发表对图片的看法,也算是对贴图者的鼓励~

3.严禁发表关于政治..宗教色情..反动..暴力..血腥 一类的帖子[对贴图者我们将追究责任]


5.不要对图片中出现的其他歌手进行抨击和非议,我们都是陶喆的歌迷,对其他的歌手有点议论也是情理之中。我们支持言论自由,但不希望有针对性。  做为dave这么优秀歌手的fans,我们要做出优秀fans的榜样!

7.为了让大家更好的浏览图片,若有图片重复的帖子,一律删除~一般会短信通知 。         
以上就是 ※「 喆 影 传 真 」※ 规定

Gallery Board Rules

1. In this board, you may only post David Tao's pictures. It is best to enclose descriptions for the filming location, time, etc. Pictures of other subjects would be deleted or moved to the relevant board.

2. Do not reply with mere words like "passing by", "haha", "handsome", etc. These are examples of 'water' posts. Please express your views towards the pictures, it's a form of encouragement for the author.

3. The board prohibits pictures of political, religious, pornographic, blood and violence nature.

4. Be civilised in your language, do not reply postings with any insults.

5. Do not attack any other artistes who may appear in the pictures. We as David's fans, it is reasonable to have comments on the other artistes and we support freedom of speech, but not any personal attacks. We should reflect outstanding example of an outstanding artiste like David.

6. Do not chat in the board.

7. If there are repeated postings of pictures in the board, it will be deleted without further notice.

We hope everybody can observe the above rules and welcome your suggestions.

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-8-26 20:52:11编辑过]

on my way to see my friends who lived a couple blocks away from me as i walked through the subway
