[贴图] yfrog陶喆自拍照片

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1 F  发表于 2009-8-5 01:04 | 显示全部帖子 | 倒序看帖 | 跳转到 »

A new pair of sneakers I'm trying out lately. What da ya think?

I'm eating at 十三香! One of my favorite restaurants around the neighborhood

Back to work on the new remix track for a bit before I sleep. Ur seeing what I'm seeing NOW!

Beautiful church we're shooting at! Wonder what that pipe organ sounds like...can you guess which church this is?

New hairstyle? Old hairstyle? It's the same old me inside! On my way to the film set...hot, hot, hot!

甜不辣,anyone? My dinner on the run! Tasty! Taiwan 小吃!

Ended up getting 2 more hours of rest. It's studio and editing day. Having late lunch at a cute little bread shop!

It's back to music today! What you doing?

Cool huh? Birthday is officially over. However, the unofficial bday celebration now begins

Check this out: 是為什麼不要我們說話?什麼邏輯?What do you think? I call these...Chinese Logic Puzzles!

Doing final background vocals now. After I finish I won't need to see a mic for a long ass time! Haha

Handmade, Class A, and 100% Rock and Roll. This is the amp I'll be rocking with all year long. Simply Matchless!
on my way to see my friends who lived a couple blocks away from me as i walked through the subway

2 F  发表于 2009-8-7 11:35 | 显示全部帖子

[此贴子已经被作者于2009/8/11 15:16:05编辑过]

on my way to see my friends who lived a couple blocks away from me as i walked through the subway

